Defining Your Ideal Target Audience

Defining Your Ideal Target Audience

If I were to ask you to describe your current customers or clients, would that description be the same as your ideal customer or client? Probably not. Have you considered why that is? Are you open to exploring how to work with those ideal clients and tell all of the...
Creating A Modern And Effective Recruiting Strategy

Creating A Modern And Effective Recruiting Strategy

Did you know that 75% of potential hires are not actively searching for a new position but would be open to discussing new opportunities?   This large group of potential candidates opens up significant possibilities for those firms interested in recruiting IXP or EXP...
Is Your Message Right for the Marketing Medium?

Is Your Message Right for the Marketing Medium?

The written word is a powerful thing; we all know that. What many don’t realize is how many different styles of writing there are. And we’re not talking about different languages – we’re talking about different ways of writing for different venues and media outlets....
Social Media Tips for Financial Advisors

Social Media Tips for Financial Advisors

Social media, social media, social media. It’s all anyone talks about anymore, isn’t it? It seems that way, at least. By now everyone knows you can’t just talk about it, though. You need to embrace it. Quickly. Yes, I know many of you feel that social media is a waste...
Use Blogs to Increase Awareness

Use Blogs to Increase Awareness

Some say business blogging days are over. They say blogging is a marketing technique of the past, that the window where a business blog was an intelligent marketing strategy has come and gone. They’re wrong. What “they” fail to realize is that you can’t simply have a...