Some say business blogging days are over. They say blogging is a marketing technique of the past, that the window where a business blog was an intelligent marketing strategy has come and gone.

They’re wrong.

What “they” fail to realize is that you can’t simply have a blog on your company’s website. It’s not just about the blog content, per se. It’s about what you do with it once it’s posted.

Everyone knows a successful business strategy involves technology from start to finish. Website development isn’t an option; it’s essential. But consumers want more than just a company website. They expect you to be online, but specifically on social media websites. Messages spread via Twitter and Facebook leave indelible impressions about a company’s products, customer service, and even personality.

And blogging allows you to combine those two things – your website content and your targeted communication with consumers, to drive interest in your brand and build connections with potential customers.

If you’ve created a blog on your website but aren’t seeing any results from it, you’re doing something wrong. Perhaps:

    • Your content isn’t being written with search engine optimization in mind.
    • You’re not sharing your blog’s content on complementary mediums (e.g., your social media pages, newsletters, secondary blogs, etc.)
    • You aren’t adding enough value to your audience.

Networking with other bloggers, create entertaining and informative discussions on social media sites, and get your name and brand out there in as many ways as possible.

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.