Social media, social media, social media. It’s all anyone talks about anymore, isn’t it?

It seems that way, at least.

By now everyone knows you can’t just talk about it, though. You need to embrace it. Quickly. Yes, I know many of you feel that social media is a waste of time or not a high priority. Well, I disagree.

If you are positioning yourself or your agency as having “embraced technology” or that you are completely different than your competitors—shouldn’t that reflect in your marketing?

In my opinion, there is a right way and a wrong way to utilize social media outlets as part of your marketing plan.

    • Develop a strategy. Don’t just create social media accounts and start posting randomly. You need to have a carefully crafted strategic plan for what you want to accomplish and how you plan to accomplish it.
    • Choose platforms that are right for your business. No doubt certain social media sites don’t lend themselves to your industry. Don’t waste your time trying to be everywhere, focus your energy in the right direction.
    • Create account profiles that clearly explain what you do as well as your value proposition.
    • Post content regularly. One of the goals of social media is to create top-of-mind awareness. So, don’t become a social media ghost. Choose and commit to the days you will post content.
    • Create a content calendar. Good content is all about adding value. Stay current with the issues affecting your prospective clients, your industry, and your followers. You need to continually engage them with fresh content.
    • Watch your stats. Track everything. You won’t know how you’re doing unless you check the numbers behind your efforts. Sign up with Google Analytics to track and analyze your website traffic.
    • No matter what, don’t try to “hard” sell something to someone! It’s really annoying when someone you don’t know tries to get an appointment with you or wants you to take advantage of their “free” demo. No way! It is ok to gently tell your audience about a promotion or offer, but it must be conveyed the right way.

Social media is a fantastic way to create top-of-mind awareness, position yourself as a credible resource, and add value to your audience.

If you are struggling with your online presence, my team and I can help you experience the results you want. Find out what we can do you for you!

About Strategic Advisor Network

Strategic Advisor Network is a boutique marketing, public relations, and practice development firm. Our team helps Financial Service companies increase their visibility, credibility, and revenue. We accomplish this by gaining a better understanding of our clients’ ideal outcomes and then making specific recommendations to help them achieve success. Our core services include Marketing, Public Relations, Marketing Coaching, Practice Development, and Recruiting.