The written word is a powerful thing; we all know that. What many don’t realize is how many different styles of writing there are.

And we’re not talking about different languages – we’re talking about different ways of writing for different venues and media outlets. If you think your message should be the same across all avenues, you may not fully understand how to harness that power of the written word.

For instance:

    • Written content for a website has a different tone, cadence, and objective than written content for a social media site.
    • Brochures need to be written differently than direct mail postcards.
    • Press releases or byline articles may be written with strict word counts.
    • Video scripts are an entirely different beast than radio or television commercials.

The list goes on and on.

You can be a good writer but not be skilled at understanding the exact style of writing needed for all the marketing and public relations strategies you want to implement.

That’s where your PR firm comes in. PR professionals are, first and foremost, great writers. They are experts with the written word, and they know the subtle differences needed across all forms of media.  And, they know how to craft a strong, reliable, and timeless message.

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.