As a financial services professional in today’s world, if you don’t have an online presence, you may as well not exist. The number of people (your future clients) who use the Internet and social media as their main go-to to find goods and services keeps growing, so in order to grow your practice, you need to up your game online, and that means understanding who your future clients are and how to find them.

How do you do this, you ask? Consider hiring a digital marketing agency like Strategic Advisor Network. Many financial practices lack the dedicated staff and experience to craft social media strategies, online content, and ad campaigns (pay-per-click advertising) that target the right prospects and increase your practice’s ROI.

Here are three ways a digital marketing agency like us can help you stay competitive and land more clients in this tech-savvy, smartphone-dependent world.

Latest Tools & Tech

A digital marketing agency has access to the latest tools and tech and knows how to use them to assist clients in gaining a stronger online presence.

It can be costly for a practice to purchase software and applications (yet alone learn to use them). Digital marketing agencies use premium tools (better than the free versions) to help clients with search engine optimization (SEO) and demographics and analytics, including competitor comparisons, social media management, and email list building. Such tools are often provided as part of a package or at reduced rates.

Write Content that Attracts

If your content isn’t engaging and relevant to your practice’s audience, it falls on deaf ears. A digital marketing agency will research who your best prospect is and not only determine the right content for your website, to share on social, or write about in your blog or newsletters, they can write it too.

Having content that is consistent with your brand and multi-platform is also essential to your practice’s success. Using video, print, and downloadable content helps engage prospects from different platforms. A digital marketing agency can help you determine the best platforms to use and then craft the best content for each—relevant, consistent, branded messaging builds your practice’s reputation.

Boost Your Online Presence

Using the latest tools and tech and writing great content is only part of the puzzle; if you don’t know how to make your practice known to the online world, you won’t be found.

An effective digital marketing agency takes the time to get to know your practice, who your current clients are, and who your future clients will be. They research where your clients and prospects go online to consume information and implement strategies to grow your online presence.

Strategies digital marketing agencies use include creating PPC campaigns using Google Ads, LinkedIn, or Facebook as well as implementing SEO and social media best practices to drive the right traffic to your practice.

At Strategic Advisor Network, we know the ins and outs of digital marketing. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help grow your practice, contact us or schedule a call today.