Happy New Year!

It’s a great time to develop the strategies you will use to attract clients, supporters, and fans to your financial services firm in 2022. As has been the case in the past decade, content marketing should be an essential part of your overall marketing strategy if your goal is to attract quality leads and improve conversions.

Experts estimate that in 2021, content marketing inspired 42 billion dollars in purchases online. This statistic is one of the main reasons many companies have prioritized content marketing in their overall marketing efforts—those who haven’t are at risk of becoming obsolete.

Cultivating, refining, and distributing relevant, actionable content gives you the power to interact with your audience and create a unique relationship within your target niche. It’s important to know who your client is—not just in terms of demographics (like age, gender, and marital status) but their specific behaviors, challenges, and goals. Content marketing allows you to cultivate a memorable, positive customer experience by providing a personal touch throughout each stage of the buying journey.

How can financial advisors use content marketing more effectively in 2022?

Develop a content marketing strategy designed to retain clients and customers, not just generate leads.

Many financial advisors write content for the sole purpose of trying to attract qualified leads, which rarely works.

That’s because engaging, attractive content focuses not only on customer acquisition but on improving the client experience overall. Content marketing should educate potential buyers in a way that inspires them to become your most loyal clients.

Use content marketing posts to gather data.

While most financial advisors simply talk about their achievements, credentials, and goals, savvy advisors ask strategic questions through their marketing content.

Specifically, they ask open-ended questions that invite detailed responses – insights about potential customers’ lives, worries, goals, and fears. The comments and private messages you’ll inspire from posting user-centric content can provide exceptional insights into how you can best communicate with potential clients to turn them into excited buyers.

Optimize your online presence.

If your LinkedIn profile photo is your high school yearbook photo, potential clients aren’t going to take you seriously. Also, make sure your social media and website “about me” pages are up to date and provide relatable stories that resonate with people on an actual, human level.

Want more help marketing your financial services firm? Contact us today!