As each year passes, the demand for B2B {business-to-business} blogging increases.  Having a company blog is proven to impact ROI positively and is one of the most effective marketing forms.

But, just because you might be marketing to businesses doesn’t mean your blog posts have to be stuffy or ‘traditional’ in tone or appearance.

One of the best-kept secrets of an engaging B2B blog is content – specifically original content.  And, adding images to your story takes your ROI to a whole new level.  Here’s the deal:

Posting pictures within your blog helps to humanize your brand and increases interest. People like pictures, so post as many as you can…with or without clever descriptions.  Plus, blog posts with pictures get 94% more views!

Remember that meaningful, self-explanatory pictures are best because our audience has limited attention spans. Readers appreciate a clever message that can be delivered quickly and tell us what we need to know without taking up too much of our time.

Summer is when everyone wants to think about relaxing, vacations, beaches, boundless energy, all-day fun, and happiness.  Smartphone technology makes it possible for us to snap photos and share them in an instant. With that in mind, what types of photos would work well to help drive your summertime marketing promotions?

    • Picture of something  ice cold and refreshing during a heatwave
    • Pictures that can only be taken during the summer — i.e., a sunset over 6-foot high corn stalks, a child splashing in a public fountain, traffic backed up at a highway beach exits, etc.
    • Ask your followers and fans to share THEIR summertime photos on your timelines.  People love to share their pics, and they love getting “likes” even more.

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.