Remember, when not every business had a website? Remember, when not every retail store had a way for consumers to purchase their goods online?

Back in the early days of website development, many businesses didn’t care what their company’s website looked like or how useful it was – they just felt like they needed a “web presence.” Everyone gobbled up targeted URLs and created homemade websites, with flashing text and broken links and sometimes entire pages that were not flushed out with relevant content.

Whew, thank goodness those days are over!

Today consumers are incredibly tech-savvy, and because of this, they are pickier than ever about whom they choose to do business with. They want to research what products or services you offer and your company’s philosophy and mission statement. They want to know your history. They want to make sure they have immediate access to buy whatever they like from you. And they need to find customer service email addresses and phone numbers easily. They expect a lot from your website, and they expect to find all that information without having to hunt for it on a cluttered or disorganized site.

If you haven’t upgraded your website in a while, it’s time to take a good hard look at it.

    • What does it say about your company?
    • Does it give the impression of being forward-thinking?
    • Does it clearly explain your company’s value proposition?
    • Have you wanted to begin offering your customers e-commerce options but don’t have the know-how?
    • Is your website optimized?
    • Are you providing relevant content to your visitors?

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.