Lead generation. It’s a hot topic for all advisors from those just starting out in the industry to million-dollar producers.  

Everyone needs to fill their funnels with new, fresh prospects. And, everyone wants to accomplish this without asking for referrals or hosting an event.

In this post, I’m going to give you three tips on how you can effectively and consistently generate leads. These techniques work and many advisors and firms hire me directly to help implement them.

BUT . . .

Before you can even think about lead generation strategies, I recommend you first get laser clear on your niche.

Because nothing you do will grow your business unless you have a niche.

Your time is limited and let’s face it, you can’t be everything to everyone.  

Targeting your prospecting time and attention on a very specific group of like-minded people with shared interests and behaviors who have the same problem for you to solve will ultimately save you an incredible amount of both time and money.

Assuming you’re a rock star at defining (and sticking to) your niche, take a look at the following strategies to attract new clients.


I’m sure many of you think social media is a waste of time and your prospects aren’t even on a platform like LinkedIn, right? Well, I think you’re wrong (and so do many other advisors). My clients and I have found a way to use LinkedIn not only for lead generation (one client just closed $7,000 in new business from a few in-mail messages on LinkedIn) but also to fill your recruiting pipelines. LinkedIn is the current way to grow your network, build your email list, receive warm introductions, and generate new leads. I love it—and you should too!

Unique Events

We all know that event marketing has its merits. I’m suggesting we take event marketing to a new level. Host an event at a unique location. Host an event where guests do something different like ax throwing or driving a Lamborghini.

AND whatever you do, invite your current clients, any prospects, but most importantly invite your dream clients. By inviting those dream prospects you really want to close, it gives them a chance to talk to your existing clients and get insightful feedback on just how amazing you and your team really are.


Your website has the ability to work for you 24×7. It can be built to be a lead generation machine. With a little SEO, some email marketing, and strong copywriting, your website could consistently provide your business with new leads.

If any of the above strategies seem out of reach or too frustrating to implement, please contact me. My team and I would love to be a resource.

About Strategic Advisor Network

Strategic Advisor Network is a boutique marketing, public relations, and practice development firm. Our team helps Financial Service companies increase their visibility, credibility, and revenue. We accomplish this by gaining a better understanding of our clients’ ideal outcomes and then making specific recommendations to help them achieve success. Our core services include Marketing, Public Relations, Marketing Coaching, Practice Development, and Recruiting.