As a financial advisor, your success depends on the strength of your relationships with clients and the network of professionals you collaborate with, such as CPAs and attorneys—your Centers of Influence (COIs). These trusted professionals are critical in clients’ financial decisions, making them excellent referral partners. As we enter Q4, there’s no better time to start marketing to your COIs. Here’s why and how you can get started with ease.

1. End-of-Year Financial Planning Is in Full Swing

During Q4, clients and their COIs often focus on finalizing financial plans, reviewing tax strategies, and making necessary adjustments before year-end. CPAs and attorneys are key players in these decisions, providing an ideal opportunity for you to align with them. By reaching out to these professionals now, you position yourself as a valuable resource during one of the busiest financial periods of the year.

Marketing to your COIs during this time ensures you’ll be at the forefront of your mind when they need to refer clients for financial planning, retirement strategies, or wealth management services.

2. A Time for Reflection and Goal Setting

Q4 is when many clients and professionals reflect on their financial successes and challenges from the past year and set goals for the next. This presents a perfect opportunity to form new partnerships with COIs. Whether helping clients optimize their tax strategy or structuring an estate plan, CPAs and attorneys are often the first to identify these needs.

Starting these conversations now can lead to powerful, lasting relationships that will benefit you and your COIs as you help clients plan for the future.

3. Simple Strategy to Start: Ask About CPAs

If you’re unsure where to begin, there’s a simple, effective way to start marketing to your COIs. List your top 10 clients and ask them who their CPA is. This direct approach can open the door to valuable introductions. Once you have those names, reach out and initiate a conversation about how you can work together to provide comprehensive financial solutions for shared clients. [Our team can also help you with custom drip campaigns to help warm your list up!]

This strategy leverages your current relationships, making building connections with COIs already familiar with your work easier.

4. COIs Are Looking for Collaborations in Q4

As financial professionals themselves, CPAs and attorneys are keen to wrap up the year strong and plan for the next. During Q4, they’re often reviewing their own client rosters, preparing for tax season, and identifying key areas where their clients may need additional expertise. This is a prime moment to market your services, especially if you have specialized knowledge in areas such as retirement planning, wealth management, or estate planning.

Approaching COIs now allows you to present yourself as a collaborative partner who can help them better serve their clients, making their workload lighter and ensuring their clients get the full range of financial support they need.

5. Position Yourself as a Year-End Problem Solver

With the busy season of Q4 comes a myriad of client challenges, from tax liabilities to estate planning issues. This is where financial advisors can shine. By marketing yourself to COIs as a problem solver who can step in and assist with these complex issues, you offer them peace of mind and make their job easier.

When a CPA or attorney encounters a financial challenge that’s outside their expertise, you want them to think of you as the go-to advisor who can deliver results before the year wraps up.

6. Set the Stage for a Strong Start in the New Year

Building relationships with COIs in Q4 sets the stage for a productive start to the new year. These professionals will remember your proactive approach and be more likely to refer clients to you when tax season ramps up or when they begin advising clients on financial strategies for the coming year.

By marketing to COIs now, you’ll strengthen your referral pipeline and ensure a strong network is ready to collaborate with you in the year ahead.

Final Thoughts

Marketing to COIs in Q4 is one of the most strategic moves you can make as a financial advisor. As the year comes to a close and clients prepare for 2025, CPAs and attorneys are key partners who can help you grow your practice.

For more strategies on marketing to COIs and growing your financial advisory business, reach out to Strategic Advisor Network. Together, we’ll help you take your practice to the next level in Q4 and beyond.