If you are planning to network this fall at a convention, mixer, or holiday event, here’s our list of things you should definitely NOT do:

Don’t oversell your business.

Networking isn’t just about looking for people you can make money off of. It’s about introducing yourself to others as a person and not just sizing others up for profits.

Don’t say anything.

If you’re shy, then you might as well stay home. Or close up shop. Business owners cannot afford to be a wallflower. Be outgoing and strike up a conversation! No one will remember you for being too quiet, but they will remember you if you share something interesting.

Don’t get too personal on social media.

While we encourage you to network on LinkedIn, Facebook, and all other social media channels — especially after an in-person introduction — we also want to remind you to keep it professional. LinkedIn updates shouldn’t be politically charged rants or selfie photos of you tailgating at a football game.

Don’t Talk Trash.

You want to make yourself (and ultimately your business) look good. The way to doing that is not to degrade others. If there’s someone at an event you aren’t fond of, keep it to yourself. If someone asks you about a previous employer, don’t start telling them what an awful person he was (even if it’s true). Make the conversation light, and most importantly —keep it positive.

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.