Your company messaging will make or break your business. If currently, you aren’t getting solid leads, traffic to your website, or good press coverage, then perhaps it’s time to look closely at what you’re saying to the customer — or rather, what you AREN’T saying to them.

Take a quick look at your current marketing/public relations message and see if it measures up to these golden rules:

1. It’s not about YOU!

Your buyers don’t care what you think you know or where you learned it. What they care about is how you’re going to help them. Make sure your message includes information about the customer’s needs.

2. Define your unique selling proposition (USP)

If you aren’t sure what makes you more special than your competitors, buyers won’t. Determine what sets you apart from the pack, and then use that idea as the foundation to craft your message.

3. Solve a Problem

If your business can’t solve a problem, then customers will not be seeking you out. Your message should be specific and let the buyer know how you intend to solve their problem.


    • Does your back hurt? Our beds are the most comfortable.
    • Are you hungry all the time? Our vitamin supplements curb appetites.
    • Do you need faster internet? Our service is the fastest and most inexpensive.
    • Is your current bank charging fees? We offer free checking.

Being able to craft the ideal message won’t happen overnight. It might evolve from working with clients and listening to their needs or finding out why customers aren’t happy with your competitors.  {TIP: Conducting informal focus groups can be a key part of developing a strong message.}

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.