Itā€™s time to wrap it upā€”this year, that is.Ā  Let’s do some year-end planning!

While you may be deep in the weeds trying to get budgets approved for the upcoming year or tying up loose ends for clients, Iā€™m going to urgently challenge you to take ONE HOUR out for yourself to get laser clear on where youā€™ve been and where you want to be. Seriously, time yourselfā€”no more than 10 minutes per category.

Grab a pen and notepad for this significant exercise. Iā€™ve created the categories and provided you with some questions to ponder to help you out.

Ready? Set. Go!


Label It

    • 2020 was the year of {insert theme}

Maybe it was your year of missed opportunities. Perhaps it was your year of self-development? No matter where you are in your business journey, take a few moments to attach a label or theme to describe this past year.

Celebrate Your Wins! Ā 

    • What went well?
    • What actions or activities did you take that left you feeling naturally energized?
    • Did you make any major decisions or take some big risks to move your business forward?

Take Stock

    • What would you have changed?
    • Was there a client you chose to work with but wish you hadnā€™t?
    • Did you learn any new skills or adopt new behaviors?
    • Did you break into new industries?
    • What did you learn about yourself?
    • Was there anything that you tried that completely flopped?
    • Do you wish you would have implemented X?

Leave Behind

Hereā€™s an example of how leaving behind bad habits and self-limiting beliefs has transformed one of my clients:

ā€œI was approached by Julie about an opportunity to be coached. It couldnā€™t have come at a better time, for I lost my ā€˜mojo.ā€™ I wasnā€™t producing the results I did when I thought I was on top of my game. Through personality assessments, calls with the Mastermind Group, and one-on-one coaching, Iā€™m happy to (very happy) to report that in less than 2 months, not only does this veteran in sales have his mojo back, heā€™s also attracting business partners. Through Julieā€™s coaching program, business planning, and much more, I feel like I did 15 years ago. If youā€™re looking to take your business to the next level, I will not blink an eye. Work with Julie and her team. Ā #LoveMyCoach!!ā€ Ā David Payonk


Label It

    • 2021 will be the year of {insert theme}
      • Annual goal:
      • Q1 goal:
      • Fundamental change you need to make to achieve the quarterly goal:

What is Next for You?

    • How will you evolve as a professional?
    • What new skills must you acquire or develop to achieve more success?
    • Where do you need to go next? Trust your gut!
    • How will you cope with uncertainty?
    • Is there a way to expand your professional network?

Iā€™m really excited about 2021 and hope you are too!

Whether youā€™re a business owner orĀ financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach.Ā Contact me, orĀ schedule a call, and Iā€™ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.

Good luck!