As the effects of the pandemic begin to fade and economies around the world roar back to life, it’s time to start thinking about your marketing plan for 2022.

Like every industry, financial planning and advice have suffered an extended crisis – how to attract long-term, loyal clients in a highly uncertain environment.

As you are developing your marketing plan for 2022, here are some digital marketing strategies to consider:

1. Publish More Video Content

Video has been a hot online marketing topic for several years; however, some niches – like the financial industry – still shy away from video marketing.

It’s important to note that 85% of consumers want brands to engage more through video marketing. This means that financial advisory firms are missing out on a tremendous opportunity to engage with potential clients in the way they prefer.

Both short social media videos and long-form video content can be effective for gaining the attention of prospective clients, providing the education they need to focus on their financial well-being properly, and creating long-term trust and loyalty that could translate to several generations of business.

2. Create a Unique Brand Image

Given the enormous competition online, creating a brand image is more important than ever. Communicating your story in a compelling and relatable way is a key element of attracting clients who will stay with you for decades.

Today, this requires a two-step approach. First, broadcast your brand using digital advertising. Working with a professional marketing team can help you get your brand in front of prospective clients without overspending on ads and eroding your profits.

Second, invest time and effort into organic growth. Web content, YouTube videos, podcasts, email newsletters, and other organic content can help you grow brand awareness and boost your marketing efforts without the expenses of paid advertising.

3. Optimize Your Digital Presence for Voice Search

Voice technology has become an inseparable part of consumers’ experience today. Financial advisors can focus on consumer-friendly content this way by offering concise (and precise) content to respond to common voice searches, giving them a distinct edge over their competition.

4. Invest in Local SEO

As today’s consumers become more focused on local businesses, localized SEO can help financial firms get in front of these consumers.

Geofencing lets brands send specialized text, email, app, and social media notifications to potential clients within a designated area.

Local SEO can help your firm’s geofencing efforts – create a Google My Business Account and publish announcements, events, or announcements of local interest. Proactively ask for reviews, and be sure to optimize direction and office hour information for voice search.

While every marketing plan should uniquely reflect a company’s goals, challenges, and vision, it should also remain flexible enough to adapt to rapidly changing environments, such as the one many financial advisors find themselves in today.

For more ways you can stand out in 2022, please contact us or schedule a call today.