In this turbulent economic environment marketing is often one of the first line items organizations cut from their budget.

That is a critical mistake.

When all else fails; I always coach my clients to double down on two things:

  1. Professional Development
  2. Marketing

[Click here to read more about how professional development can significantly change key metrics within your business.]

In this blog post, we’re going to focus on marketing, specifically the types of digital marketing tactics you can implement in your business today.

It’s no secret the pandemic has pushed the consumer to embrace technology. During a lockdown, people were forced to shop online, experience telehealth, and video conferencing. It’s become the new normal and your business needs to adapt in order to stay competitive.

For this reason, I’ve compiled a list of four digital marketing tactics for you to consider:

  1. Email Marketing: Believe it or not, this long-time marketing tactic is still extremely relevant. If you have a list of email addresses that you can communicate with it will increase the likelihood they will engage with and buy from you.
  2. Content Marketing: Curating original content (video, blog, infographics, podcasts, etc.) is such an important element in your overall marketing plan. It can be used in social media, on your website, on someone else’s website – the list goes on and on! At the end of the day, original content that is useful to your audience helps drive traffic to your website and can be used in lead generation campaigns.
  3. Social Media: If you don’t have a consistent presence on social media, it’s possible your audience isn’t sure you’re the right fit for them. With this tactic, it’s quality over quantity in terms of followers and content that is posted. This one is all about credibility and adding value to your audience.
  4. Digital Advertising: This tactic gets a bit more involved as the choices are varied: PPC ads, click funnel campaigns, google ad words, or retargeting campaigns are a few options to reach your intended audience. All hold great possibilities. It just depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

If you don’t know where to start or feel unsure which of these digital marketing tactics might work best for your business, my team and I would welcome the opportunity to work with you on any of these campaigns.

If you’d like more information, please contact me today!