The Holiday season is here in full swing! You can see evidence of it in stores, and you should see evidence of it in your marketing and public relations plans as well.

Here are a few key ideas for how to promote your company’s message wrapped with a beautiful end-of-year bow:

Take a look back. News media love to review the year in December, publishing Top 10 lists of events and other noteworthy items in the area that year. Get a jump on their lists by thinking of your own. What did your business accomplish this year? How did the industry change or evolve? Were any of your employees awarded for something exceptional or noteworthy? Was your company involved in a major news event or something that advanced a cause or furthered a development, neighborhood, town, etc.? If your business was part of something end-of-year newsworthy, tell the media about it. With any luck, you’ll get a mention in the local paper (possibly with a photo, if you submit it). Even if the local media doesn’t bite, select something – or everything – you did this year that made headlines and remake them with a press release or newsletter to your clientele.

Get in on the resolutions. Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions, and your business can benefit from all that determination if you can reach your target audience before they commit themselves to a new beginning. Think about how your business can help newspaper readers realize their resolutions and pitch a story idea (or source for one) to the feature’s editor. If you’re thinking outside the box on this, there’s a good chance the editor will gravitate to your idea and give you a call.

Be a gift-giver. ‘Tis the season of giving back, so show your customers (or prospective customers) some appreciation with a special giveaway or another way to reward your loyal fan base. Using social media for a contest or giveaway, particularly one that asks for positive feedback on customers’ experience with your company, can increase your exposure and give you something newsworthy to pitch to the media.

Let us help brainstorm more great marketing and public relations ideas for you in 2020. Contact us today!