
We want you to experience positive retention and growth.

Attract & Retain Quality Candidates.

Recruiting VIP Program

Imagine meeting—or exceeding your recruiting goals! It’s possible once you strategically replace excuses with a strong, executed plan.

If your firm struggles to attract and retain new talent, this program is for you.

Over a six-month timeline, we will meet bi-weekly to create a customized step-by-step system for your team to follow that provides clear direction, streamlines workflows, and improves efficiencies.

Program Content & Schedule

Icon for recruiting module one.

Module 1 – Building a Solid Foundation for Recruiting Success

♦ Review of:

  • Current sourcing
  • Current workflow & processes
  • Current Compensation

♦ Evaluation of current roles & responsibilities
♦ Defining your ideal target audience(s)

Recruiting program module 2 icon.

Module 2 – Optimizing Your Brand

♦ Identifying key messages and differentiators

• Develop marketing plan & content

  • Video content (if possible)
  • Optimize social media profiles
  • Drip campaigns and/or email campaigns
  • Review website content
  • Sample role plays/responses
  • First talk
  • Agency presentation


Recruiting program module 3 icon.

Module 3 – Creating Your Recruitment Process

♦ Train on recommended processes

  • Sourcing
  • Workflow & Processes
  • Compensation & key indicators
  • Roles & responsibilities
Recruiting program module 4 icon.

Module 4 - Ongoing Accountability

♦ Tracking & measurement
♦ Development of an internal recruiting team

Are you are ready to expand your team and take control of your recruiting process?