While I’ve spent a lot of time as a hockey mom driving my kid to and from hockey rinks, tracking down hockey uniforms and equipment, packing endless coolers of food, and enjoying his games, I’ve also learned a few leadership lessons along the way.

These lessons have even influenced my business leadership. Here are a few key lessons I’ve learned as a hockey mom and some questions to ask yourself.

Leadership Lesson 1: You Have to Put in the Work if You Want to Play

Every hockey player wants as much playing time as possible during a game. Can you blame them? After all, the games are the most exciting part of being a hockey player.

However, the kids who faithfully practice are the ones who spend the most time on the ice. Even though the game is the exciting part of hockey, you must practice to have a chance to play.

This is also true in business. It’s easy to focus on a fantastic idea or promising deal. However, it’s ultimately the work you put in that helps you achieve your goals.

How are you putting in the work?

Leadership Lesson 2: Head to Where the Puck is Going

During a hockey game, the players always skate to the area where they anticipate the puck is heading. They don’t skate to their previous destination.

This has taught me the importance of looking ahead, making educated predictions, and acting accordingly. Not only can you see the bigger picture, but you’re able to anticipate upcoming opportunities and challenges better.

What are you doing to anticipate future challenges and opportunities?

Leadership Lesson 3: A Great Coach Makes a Difference

A coach is essential for forming a cohesive team that acts as a unit. Even the most talented group of kids needs direction, motivation, support, and accountability.

The same is true in business; an effective coach is essential for helping workers come together to work and accomplish goals as a team.

Otherwise, we’re just a bunch of people completing individual tasks. A great coach also has a different perspective and can help the team prepare for challenges they otherwise may have overlooked.

Do you work with a mentor or a coach to help you take your business to new levels of success?

Leadership Lesson 4: Take Your Shots

You can’t hit a shot that you don’t take. When watching my son’s games, I noticed the kids who were continuously taking shot after shot.

Some shots made it in, the goalie blocked some, and others didn’t even make it to the goal, but those kids kept shooting the puck, no matter how many misses they had accumulated.

This taught me the importance of taking risks even when the situation isn’t picture perfect. By taking more shots, you can create more opportunities. Taking no shots practically guarantees that your options stagnate.

What decisions are you not making to be safe?

Leadership Lesson 5: You Need to Play with Passion

Every single game I watch my son play is filled with passion and drive. He and his teammates give it their all and refuse to let up.

This passion and heart are essential in business for success. You won’t win every game, and some games will be a disappointment, but you need to show up with the same motivation and drive every single time.

Do you meet every day with a passion for what you do?

Take a moment to think about the questions above and your answers. Did you struggle to answer them? Were your answers reflective of how you want your business to be, or do you want more? At Strategic Advisor Network, we help take your business to new levels of success by implementing unique strategies that result in client retention and new client acquisition. Let us help you grow your firm and get your passion back. Schedule a call or contact us to get started.