It doesn’t matter how great your small business is. If no one knows about it, you’re effectively dead in the water. Case closed.

That’s why you need to market your small business to the hilt! Fortunately, in our hyper-cyber era, you don’t have to spend all your pennies to do so. Here are some great small business marketing ideas that you can implement quickly and on a shoestring budget:

1.  Get Yourself a Website. Just do it. We’re serious. It doesn’t even have to be an expensive process. Choose your domain and get yourself out there.

2.  Okay. So You Don’t Want a Website. What about a Blog? You’re avoiding our other suggestion. We get it. We really do. You’re not ready for a website for your small business. So start a blog. Tonight. Go to  or and begin to blog. Talk about what you do, set up your page, and go live.  Within an hour, you’ll at least have somewhere to direct people when they ask, “What’s your web address?”

3.  Get Out There and Network! You need to have human-to-human contact to make your small business known. And that can come in the form of Chamber mixers, LinkedIn socials, Meet Up events, and all sorts of inexpensive get-togethers. Heck, if you have a brick-and-mortar place, just set one up yourself and host it!

Just because you’re small doesn’t mean you deserve to make nothing! Start your business off in the best possible way—market your small business to success!

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.