When it comes to your company’s marketing strategy and building brand awareness to increase sales, most experts today will talk about the importance of using new media: website development, social media, email marketing, etc. However, it’s also important that you don’t forget about utilizing traditional marketing for your small business.

What exactly does that mean?

Traditional marketing (or offline marketing) is advertising in these formats: television/radio, direct mail, print, or telephone. Examples of these would be public relations, ads printed in the yellow pages or billboards, brochures sent in the mail, telemarketing, sponsorships, or buying commercial airtime on a local radio/TV station.

There are still benefits to traditional marketing.

First, smaller businesses with a limited budget can benefit most from advertising in local papers and sponsoring events. It’s a great way to build brand awareness in your local market, and establish a credible reputation.

Direct mail is one of the oldest forms of traditional marketing, but there are several ways to put a modern twist on it in 2019. Postcards or catalogs put in the mail today can now be printed to include QR coupon codes. Customers can scan these with their smartphones to get discounts, or just to find out more information about your products and services. It’s a great way to expand your online presence and build brand loyalty. Customers like the ease of just having to press a button on their phone or tablet to get rewarded with exclusive discounts.

In today’s age of modern technology, traditional marketing should be utilized to complement your Internet marketing strategies. For example, make sure to include your business website address and social media contact info in any print ads, brochures, or commercial broadcast taglines. A radio or print ad could be what grabs the customer’s attention, but connecting with them online will help to establish a long-term relationship.

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.