As a business owner, weathering the storm of a pandemic tends to take its toll.

    • Who is your confidant?
    • Do you have anyone you can lean on to bounce ideas off?
    • How about guidance or assistance in making tough decisions?
    • None of the above is the role of a spouse or best friend.  It’s the role of a business coach.

There is strong data to show the effectiveness of business coaching.  According to a survey conducted by the International Coach Federation (ICF), executives and entrepreneurs who use a business coach can increase their net income by an average of 46 percent; however, further statistics reveal that 42 percent of organizations don’t use a business coach. Some of the statistics on business coaching they gathered are:

    • 70% accepted business coaching is “very valuable.”
    • 12% confide in their coach more than anyone else.
    • 62.4% developed a more intelligent goal setting.
    • 57.1% lowered their feelings of anxiety.
    • 52.4% built more self-confidence.

If the data is so compelling, why do 42% of organizations not use the services of a business coach?

I’ll tell you a secret.  It’s because most aren’t ready to make the necessary changes to accomplish what needs to be done in order to achieve their goals.

Those 42% believe:

    • Working with a business coach is too expensive.
    • They can do it on their own.
    • They don’t have time.

Stop making excuses!  WORKING WITH A COACH:

    • Dramatically expands your individual perspective so that you may see new opportunities and innovative solutions.
    • Assists in identifying obstacles while creating the tools necessary for moving quickly around them.
    • Gets you on the path of focusing on your future rather than your past, with action versus introspection, and with how things CAN happen rather than why.
    • Creates an improved decision-making process for you, with less effort.
    • Will keep you focused on the short- and long-term successes.


    1. Business Owners
    2. Executives
    3. Mid-Level Managers

Sample of what we work on:

    • Obtain new:
      •  Customers, Leadership Skills, Listening Skills, Selling Techniques, Time Management, Referral Sources
    • Delegating, prioritizing, networking, interviewing, productivity, and measuring ROI
    • Develop a marketing plan, develop a business plan, identify partners/investors, reduce stress, and find balance

If you’re curious about how working with a business coach might benefit you, contact me today.
