A recent infographic published by MarketingProfs states companies that are adept in personalized marketing see a 19% boost in sales.  I am sure you will agree that increased sales by double digits sound enticing. So, what can you do right now to accomplish this?

Prospecting Phase

Send all of your email messages from a real person, not a company.  Your emails (even the automated ones) should come from an actual person, not an “info@” or “marketing@” email address. Also, consider adding his/her photo to the signature line.

Personalize your message. Targeting your message to the audience helps to increase the response rate. The first step in creating a targeted campaign is to segment your database. Segmentation could be by industry, job title, or geography. Whatever you choose, use the language that a particular person uses and identifies with.

Create targeted landing pages toward different segments.  Customize the language and message on your landing pages to address that particular segment’s specific need and do this for each segment.

Appointment Phase:

Identify the prospect’s personality type. Whether you use Dominance/Consciousness/Influence/Steady or Driver/Expressive/Analytical/Amiable, identifying the prospects personality type then crafting your sales pitch to mirror it helps move the sales process along quicker.

Sell today, educate tomorrow. Your goal is to find out why, and under what circumstances, the prospect would buy from you. Put your “educating” responsibilities to the side. Instead, consider starting your personalized message with a question to get the prospect to open up about the issues they are facing.

Send a handwritten thank-you note. This is not an old-fashioned technique! Sending a handwritten thank-you note to someone who made time in their schedule to meet with you gives your prospect another reason to think about you, your company, and how you can solve his/her problems.

All of these personalization tools will help your prospective customers feel comfortable choosing you over your competition.

Whether you’re a business owner or financial professional, the tools you need to get started are within reach. Contact me, or schedule a call, and I’ll be happy to discuss your marketing needs with you.