This is a continuation of our two-part series on marketing mistakes you cannot afford to make!

Marketing Mistake #6: Getting stuck in a rut.

If your website, bio, or LinkedIn profile hasn’t had an ounce of redesign since 2010, it’s high time to get to work on it. Same with your brochures, business cards, event strategy, etc. The world has changed in the past 9 years—you’ll want to come along for the ride or risk being left behind.

Marketing Mistake #7: Hating all new marketing tools.

We’ve seen this before and we’re sure you have, too—the Financial Advisor who abhors anything new. Rather than even trying something, he or she will berate it. This is why some Advisors still have no web presence—and why many are no longer in business.

Marketing Mistake #8: Marketing materials that operate in bubbles and don’t cross-promote.

Many Advisors have a website that looks NOTHING like their business cards that look NOTHING like their brochures that look NOTHING like their . . . and so on. You get the point. The problem? There’s no cohesiveness in the organization’s marketing materials. Everything is done in a “bubble” and no one bothers to talk. This just makes for a scatter-shot approach and an ineffective one at that.

Marketing Mistake #9: Wanting results lickety-split.

“Why isn’t our marketing working?” We hear it over and over . . . and it’s usually during the first few weeks of a marketing campaign. The truth is marketing doesn’t work overnight. It takes a while. So sit back and relax; if you’ve done your homework, you’ll reap the rewards!

Marketing Mistake #10: Not learning from your own mistakes.

And the final marketing mistake? Not learning from your own mistakes, of course! We all make them, but if we don’t use them as learning experiences, we’ll never see success!

About Strategic Advisor Network

Strategic Advisor Network is a boutique marketing, public relations, and practice development firm. Our team helps Financial Service companies increase their visibility, credibility, and revenue. We accomplish this by gaining a better understanding of our clients’ ideal outcomes and then making specific recommendations to help them achieve success. Our core services include Marketing, Public Relations, Marketing Coaching, Practice Development, and Recruiting.