Too many Financial Advisors have made these marketing mistakes over the years. So there’s no reason you should experience the pain of these types of errors! Read over this list and repeat to yourself: “I will NEVER do these!”

Marketing Mistake #1: Not having a plan.

This is a huge problem and one we see all the time. Not having a marketing plan is like not having a map to a destination you’ve never been before. You know where you’re going but have no clue how to get there. Think you’ll get lost?  We do.

Marketing Mistake #2: Spending money on the wrong things.

It’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement when someone tells you that you HAVE to get involved in one type of marketing or another. But if you’re just constantly throwing money at marketing schemes that never seem to work—you’re basically burning your cash.

Marketing Mistake #3: Not spending enough money on the right things.

Just as some spend too much money on things they don’t need, there are many that will not spend enough on the marketing things that could help them. If you’re a cheapskate, you may just find yourself looking for a job in the future instead of building a team or outlining your succession plan.

Marketing Mistake #4: Trying to do it all.

You may not need a Twitter or Instagram account. You might not see a dime from a podcast. Perhaps these are not the best marketing tool for your needs. If you try to do it all, you’ll probably realize all too late there were elements that could and should have been avoided.

Marketing Mistake #5: Not listening to your audience.

If your client base hates your marketing methods, it’s not their fault they “just don’t get it”—it’s your fault for not listening to them. You really need to make sure you are always keeping your clients in mind when determining what kinds of marketing to use.

Next month, we’ll look at Marketing Mistakes #6-10 . . . 

About Strategic Advisor Network

Strategic Advisor Network is a boutique marketing, public relations, and practice development firm. Our team helps Financial Service companies increase their visibility, credibility, and revenue. We accomplish this by gaining a better understanding of our clients’ ideal outcomes and then making specific recommendations to help them achieve success. Our core services include Marketing, Public Relations, Marketing Coaching, Practice Development, and Recruiting.